这个问题我必须要来答一发…… 前一阵刚看完一个关于狗的纪录片,叫做“Wild Dogs With Steve Backshall”(Steve Backshall是英国著名的自然探索节目主持人),里面有一集就是讲嗅觉和味觉的。 在那集中,Steve召集了一群志愿者,让他们先对食物进行评价,比如味道如何、咸淡怎么样等等;然后分别把食物放进三个容器里让狗去闻,看看哪个是“真迹”。结果,虽然志愿者们没有告诉狗食物的具体名字,可是它们还是能分辨得相当清楚。更夸张的是,Steve让其中一只名叫Rex的拉布拉多连续18次闻了不同食物的容器,然后Rex竟然还能区分出第19次放的到底是不是真正的食物!
不过嘛,如果说到嗅觉的话,我想应该没人比不过狗吧… 下面放一段摘抄自上述纪录片的节选:
【“The human nose can identify the scent of around two trillion different molecules while a dog’s nose is thought to be able to detect four hundred million. That is like comparing one human being with an army of ten billion humans, all working simultaneously on their own unique tasks! In other words it seems that we are just not built for this job! But what makes dogs so good at sniffing out smells? Well in most cases they have been taught how to do it but there may also be some natural talent involved as well. And by studying these very clever animals we may even learn more about our own sense of smell – which isn’t half bad considering what scientists think happened to ours when dinosaurs died out…”】 (大意:人类的鼻子大概可以辨别两万亿种不同的分子,而狗的鼻子则大概是四百亿。换句话说,就好像一个人面对十亿的分身同时做独立的事一样…而且这些分身还特别擅长各自的领域-_-)