


奖励是帮助狗建立正确行为的非常有效的方式之一;然而,如果使用不当或者过度使用,它可能会带来负面后果。 为了理解如何有效地使用奖励,首先需要了解奖励的作用方式以及它们是如何影响行为的。 当动物得到一个积极强化物时,它往往会重复这个行动以再获奖励。这种效应被称为强化原理——当某种行为被积极强化时,它会变得更容易发生。

例如,当一个狗在训练时完成一个动作后获得食物奖励,那么它在未来更有可能再次执行这个动作以达到同样的目的。 在实践中,人们通常会考虑三种基本类型的奖励:即刻奖励 (immediate reward)、延迟奖励(delayed reward)和期待奖励(anticipated reward)。

1. Immediate Reward: also known as a primary reward, comes immediately after the desired behavior and is an attractive or desirable item that increases motivation to perform the behavior again in future instances. For example food rewards for a trained task are immediate reinforcers; they increase the probability of performing the trained target behavior when offered at a later time because it’s associated with pleasurable sensations, being fed by the owner etc. These items can be anything from small treats such as cheese, biscuits or rawhide strips up to full meals if feeding large dogs twice per day。 Food is considered to be one of the most effective primary reinforcements although some dogs prefer toys over food, e.g. during training. It should always be offered sparingly so it remains a treat, not every meal time!

2. Delayed Reward: also called secondary reinforcement, occurs after repeated performance of the target behavior but before a new instance takes place. The reinforcing value of this type of reward is based on expectation rather than actual receipt of the item since the dog has already performed the behavior multiple times. This helps to strengthen the association between the desired action/behavior and the consequences, i.e. receiving the anticipated delayed rewarding event – usually in terms of play sessions with the owner, walking off-leash outside etc. If you have been consistently offering a treat only once per session your dog will soon learn to behave just to receive another bite! In order to prevent this from happening use delaying strategies such as “one more try before we go out for a walk”, “one more trick before we play”. Remember that these tactics work only if you follow through with delivering the promised reward otherwise you risk losing its value.

3. Anticipated Reward: also


你要区分开训练和游戏的区别! 训练是建立在让狗做你希望它做的事的基础上建立的;而游戏则是建立在你想跟你的狗玩的基础上建立的。 所以你说“每天带我家狗出去溜一圈,然后喂饱她(我)就让她自己玩会”实际上就是建立在你希望让你的狗去玩游戏的,那么这个时候你就应该通过给奖赏的方式引导她去玩游戏了——比如玩具、零食等等,但要注意的是千万不要用金钱去买这个奖赏,因为一旦用金钱买到了这个东西,它就会将这种“给予”与这种行为本身所带给自己的愉悦联系起来,下次再想要得到这些东西时就会采用同样的方式了(虽然看起来像是你在贿赂他)……

